Introducing….Signs Of Nature

At Swim: Words
4 min readOct 12, 2021


An alias of DJ/Producer Dimi Ivx, Signs of Nature relocated to a studio in Berlin after several years DJing in Amsterdam. At Swim’s electronic imprint Punch Up Records are releasing his latest single ‘Minimal Violence’ on the 22nd of October.

However, if you’re a Bandcamp user you can stream and download it from the 1st of October.

Hi Dimi! How’s it going?

“Great! Hope you guys are well too:)”

You currently live in Berlin. When did you move there?

“I arrived in Berlin about 2 years ago.”

Where did you grow up?

“I grew up in Riga, Latvia (it’s this tiny baltic country in the north-east of Europe, which you probably never hear about). It was one very much fun post-Soviet era to grow up in.”

Are you from a musical family?

“No, not really. Although my father had a fun sense of musical taste so I was early on introduced to Depeche Mode, The Prodigy, Chemical Brothers and that sort of stuff. I believe it made me a young firestarter :)”

As a DJ and producer, who would you say are your biggest influences?

“To be honest there are so many, I wouldn’t even know how to make a framework for it… I went through all possible stages, so I caught influences from anywhere I could — from Wu-Tang to Pink Floyd, from Aphex Twin to Shpongle & Mogwai. However, the thing that has really nailed my interest in the house/techno direction was the minimal scene with the names like Ricardo Villalobos, Acid Pauli, Trentemøller.”

What was your first gig/club night?

“It was during my university years back in the Netherlands. I remember there was an illegal party organised at a student hostel and I was asked to play. For some reason I was nervous at first, but then, having gotten high as a kite, found my way around the decks and had the whole lot of fun playing.”

‘Minimal Violence’ is such a great tune! Tell us what inspired you to make it.

“I guess partly it was inspired by the whole pandemic situation, and when everything closed. When everyone, myself included, was suddenly “left to their own devices” so to speak. It was this feeling you know, when you sit on a couch and everything feels grim and empty and so hopeless, but then you suddenly notice having this silly groove in your head that’s getting louder and louder; and in the end it gets over you, making you jump up and start dancing or something. I guess it was this feeling of somewhat drifting off in isolation, whilst still remaining humorous about it :)”

Is that typical of how you make music?

“I treat every song/project as a separate universe. And just having fun with it. Nothing frustrates me more than to work in the same procedure/under the set of defined rules. We have jobs for this, the whole society is messed up because of this — music must be treated differently in my view, as something wild that sprouts out from within, something without clearly defined form, like a crazy tree or a river. And so I go with the feeling and make what feels right in the moment. For example, the past few month I’ve been working on something I can describe in no other way than ambient minimal psytrance? Why the hell not!?”

Are you looking forward to performing live again?

“Totally! But to be honest, now coming out of this dark no-party era, I’ve realized that my desires have somewhat shifted. It’s not dusty warehouses smelling of darkness and cold concrete that I want to come back to. It s more of a festival vibes in the sun under the blue skies and filled with happy people sort of shining together that I’m longing for.”

If you could play at any club, which one would you choose?

It would be some crazy stage at Burning Man. Or some laidback beach-club in Ibiza. Lately I’ve been obsessively longing to play by the ocean.

If you could go B2B with any DJ, living or dead, who would you choose?

I would love to mess with the dance-floor together with Ricardo Villalobos. That would be just stellar.

Last question: Currywurst or Doner Kebab?

VEGAN Doner Kebab ;)

Thanks Signs Of Nature!

Signs Of Nature Links: Instagram // Facebook // Twitter // Soundcloud // Youtube // Beatport // Spotify

© At Swim Ltd. Creative Arts 2021

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At Swim: Words
At Swim: Words

Written by At Swim: Words

At Swim is a creative arts company based in the UK. You’ll find writing here from At Swim contributors and the artists we’re working with.

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